Corporate Philosophy


Making Entertainment Accessible to All.

We believe that contributing to the expansion of the entertainment industry in Japan, and expanding the market scale is of great significance to the world, and work towards making those goals a reality.


We, through our services, strive to uphold the highest standards in regards to:

  1. Our Customers that use our services,
  2. Our Staff that maintains our business,
  3. The Society that we operate our business in, and
  4. Our Shareholders.

1) With our Customers:

  • We will only provide services that are of the highest standard
  • We will strive to meet the needs and wants of our customers in timely fashion
  • We will improve our processes on an ongoing basis in order to maintain reasonable pricing for our services

2) With our Staff:

  • We will treat our staff with respect and dignity, and recognize their value to the team
  • We will create a safe environment where they can work freely and with piece of mind
  • We will enable our staff to adequately live up to their familiar obligations

3) In Society:

  • We will contribute to create a better society through welfare and social projects
  • We will strive to protect the global environment and implement programs to do so
  • We will be a productive member of society and fulfill our societal obligations therein

4) With our Shareholders:

  • We will operate our business in a way that will maintain profitability
  • We will strive to innovate and incorporate new ideas into our business
  • We will use the appropriate restraint in our operations to be prepared for times of hardship


We at Longrun Planning Corporation, in an effort to provide the best products and services, along with contributing to the development of society, believe that it is our responsibility to protect the personal and/or private information entrusted to us by our customers and businesses partners. Along with protecting our intellectual property, we pledge the following:

  • Establish an Information Security Management System and strive to manage all information assets appropriately.
  • Maintain and implement internal rules in accordance with this policy.
  • Continue to provide the education and training necessary to ensure information security.
  • Take all appropriate measures (personnel, organizational, technical, etc.) to prevent unauthorized intrusion, leaks, falsification, loss, theft, destruction, or obstruction of use for all information assets.
  • In the event of a security breech, we will promptly investigate the cause, minimize the damage, and strive to prevent recurrence.
  • Comply with all laws and regulations related to information security, as well as national guidelines and other societal standards.
  • Continue to review the above policies and revise and/or improve them regularly.

For more details, please read our privacy policy at the following link.

Privacy Policy


We at Longrun Planning Corporation, in an effort to combat against those entities who threaten the order and safety of civil society (hereby refered to as “Entities”), will eliminate any relationships with such Entities in accordance with the following policy:

  1. In order to prevent any relations with Entities that pose a threat to societal welfare and/or cause detriment to the development of society/economy, we will make sure that our employees are knowledgeable about such Entities and will refuse any connections with them.
  2. Starting with top management, We will respond to such Entities as a whole, and will ensure the safety of any of our employees when dealing with those Entities.
  3. To prevent the negative effects from such Entities, We will make constant efforts to create close and collaborative relationships with outside specialists (police, violation-elimination-promotion centers - bouryoku-tsuihou-undou-suishin centers, lawyers), and will respond to any issues systematically and appropriately.
  4. We will reject any unreasonable demands by such Entities and will take legal actions, both civil and penal, as necessary.
  5. We will not provide any funds whatsoever to any such Entities.


For the advancement of our Corporate Philosophy, all employees will comply with the following Code of Conduct:

  • Exercise and develop analytical prowess.
  • Be aware of who’s leading and act accordingly.
  • Concentrate on a singular task instead of multiple tasks at the same time.
  • Reflect on your own behavior before it affects others negatively.
  • Revise and improve processes on a regular basis in order to become a valuable team member.
  • Concentrate on selling oneself, instead of just products or services.
  • Exercise good time management and complete tasks within the allotted work time.
  • Dream big, and work steadily towards achieving it.


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